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Tower Consultants For Landlords

Cell Tower Lease 101

Everything To Know About Cell Tower Leases

A cell tower lease is a bi-product of an engineering design that recognizes an agreement between the wireless carrier and the property owner. Without an engineering design, a lease has no value. Therefore, knowing about leases is not enough. For a property owner to truly protect and enhance their interests, he/she requires a cell tower lease consultant who understands every facet of the cell site project from how to structure long-term financial gains to construction, from zoning to engineering

Fair Cell Tower Lease Rates

A fair market rent should not depend on lease rates of neighboring properties since they may have been poorly negotiated. Rent should be based on the site’s value to the wireless carriers. Site value is determined by its cellular traffic, data throughputs, and competing properties, for example. Read More…

Cell Tower Lease Offers

Commercial lease values involve dollars per square feet, triple net, tenant improvement allowances, etc. A cell tower lease is a special kind of commercial lease, but none of the factors mentioned above matter. Understanding cellular coverage, engineering, zoning, wireless traffic, etc… that’s what is key. Read More…

Cell Tower Rent. The Sleight of Hand

Carriers know that cell tower lease rates are a priority for property owners and therefore will negotiate this term at the landlord’s expense everywhere else in the lease. Why are wireless tower leases 30 pages long? It is natural that you have many questions: What rights am I handing over to the carriers? Read More…

Squatting On Your Land

An important part of lease negotiations is to understand a project’s timing. We validate the timing requirement through our industry contacts. This is crucial to our strategy because some carrier leases offer to squat on your land indefinitely without any form of restrictions or compensation. Read More…

Why My Land?

A cell site design is based on the wireless carrier’s needs for improved cell coverage or for an increased call carrying and data throughput capacity in the area. An engineering design usually takes two years to make it to the leasing phase. Read More…

5G - How Do Property Owners Benefit?

Terabonne’s focus continues to be negotiating and engineering cell sites that give our clients the greatest income with the least risk, regardless of the technology platform. Whether it is 5G, 7G, or 10G, we make sure our clients continue to benefit irrespective of the evolving technologies. Read More…

Right of First Refusal (ROFR)

A ROFR grants the tower owner the right to match an offer by some third-party who makes an offer to purchase your lease. This clause can be written in many different ways. A good contract will sharpen this lease term to the benefit of the property owners, rather than the carrier. Read More…

Rock Solid Leases

Once you sign the wireless cell tower lease, there’s not much anyone can do if you want to back out. The only escape is for you to pay for the full tower relocation costs. Wireless carriers have lots of lawyers to defend the terms of their leases, so when the lease has been signed, it is rock solid. Read More…

Rent Reduction

As the wireless industry evolves, carriers grow more conscious of their operational costs and look for ways to reduce their high cost line items. The “Tower Leases and Rents” category is always on the top three list of highest operational costs. Wireless carriers have hired companies like Md7 and Blackdot to go after high rent landlords to negotiate rent reductions. Read More…

Need Advice?

Let’s discuss your cell tower opportunity.  We will share with you what we know about your cell tower ground lease.  Never a fee until we agree to work together and we deliver all-inclusive results to your satisfaction.  Unheard of assurance and confidence.  Please email, call or  send us a message anytime.     

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A ROFR grants the tower owner the right to match an offer by some third party who makes an offer to purchase your lease that you accept.

Radio Frequency engineers who specialize in the radio wave propagation. These are the engineers to define cell tower locations. 

Companies who build towers and lease back to wireless carriers.  These companies almost always receive Search Rings from wireless carriers defining where carriers need towers to be built.

Geographical areas depicted in a circle (ring) drawn by radio frequency (RF) engineers defining the areas requiring new cell towers and technical parameters surrounding such designs.

A person hired by the wireless carrier to contact property owners to discuss lease terms. This role has evolved to be landlord facing rather than lease negotiations.

A person who specializes in land use matters well knowledgeable in its jurisdictional requirements.

Attorneys retained by wireless carriers authorized to review legal terms but never allowed to negotiate financial nor technical terms of the lease because they lack the technincal skills.

Crown Castle, American Tower ATC, SBA Towers are the “Big Three” tower companies.

Companies that purchase cell tower leases with the purpose of repackaging (aggregating) them in a larger portfolio and selling them for a profit at a later time.